Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Positive Mindset

A positive mindset keeps the doctor away
Absenteeism specialist software company CAM Solutions has released statistics, outlining the employees in a sample study who don't take any sick leave at all during a one-year period. The statistics, generated by Absolv absenteeism software, shows that in the 2007 cycle (Oct 2006 - Sept 2007), 47.2% all staff in the sample of more than 150 000 employees in over 60 South African companies did not take any sick leave at all. For the same period in 2008, the percentage of employees in this sample who did not take any sick leave had risen to 51.3%.
CAMS Chief Executive Johnny Johnson says, “Trend analysis over the last 10 years has shown that absenteeism rates are lower at times of downturn in the economy. As the economic situation worsens employees might feel their jobs could be threatened if they don't go to work. Wellness programs have also become more popular with employers and this could be contributing successfully to healthier lifestyles and positive mindsets for employees, or it could simply be that less people are getting ill and are not allowing minor illnesses to get them down."
Counselling psychologist Robin Farrington says as with any type of human behaviour, psychological and social factors intervene and influence the way people behave when they become ill. Individuals with a positive mindset often do not let life's problems get to them and have better resources to cope with stress. Stress has a direct effect on the immune system so it is often the cause of, or can exacerbate, illness. “Also, positive people tend not to take up the sick role; they don’t give an illness the time and space to develop. Whereas others who become ill, make sure that they have the time and resources to take up the sick role fully. A positive frame of mind also leads to a better lifestyle, inclusive of exercise and healthy eating, and therefore better health follows.
“A change to a positive mindset involves lifelong application, but a good mental attitude can help people who are always getting sick to become healthier,” notes Farrington.
HR Consultant for national insurance brokers Frontline Underwriting Managers, Tanya Bonner, says their firm has a very low absenteeism rate in their branches in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban.
“We believe this is because we continuously monitor our company’s wellness. When you take a genuine interest in the lives of the people who work for you it places you in the position where you can be firm without rubbing people up the wrong way; as well being compassionate and making appropriate allowances. It’s also a two way street. The company and its people are interdependent. Our employees know that we attribute our successes directly to them. With that comes significant ownership of the job. They treat the business as if it were their own.
She says, "The way people manage their lifestyles can also determine whether they are absent often or not.
“For example, if someone is unhappy with their job but don’t make changes or do anything about it then they will simply stay off work and may even get physically ill because they are fundamentally unhappy. Also, if women don’t have a proper support system in place for their young children, they then have be at home with their children if needed.
"If an employee complains month after month about an ailment but never seeks medical care then physically and psychologically the ailment festers and they stay off work. The same applies if they are prescribed a diet, medication, stretching exercises for a sore neck and don’t follow this diligently.
“Then there is the arena of psychological wellbeing, where people may have marital problems; problems with abusive relationships; and then still the vast and often unidentified area of substance abuse.
“If a company manages their leave schedules correctly then everyone is alerted to a problem that might otherwise have gone on forever,” she notes.
Johnson adds, “What companies should be doing is focusing on the percentage of staff who are not taking any sick leave at all and aiming to make that as high as possible. Absenteeism statistics that point out illness issues in employees or per department/manager for instance, and also supply benchmarks with regards to industry norms, make understanding and managing these figures a simple process. Once the figures are known, wellness and employee management is much easier and more effective.
"If companies follow their absenteeism statistics carefully and make sure that issues are resolved quickly, and with compassion, they will find that they are employing positive, healthy staff who don’t need to take sick leave because they like being at work, and thanks to their positive mindsets, they are also most likely going to get sick at lot less than employees with consistent negative mindsets.”
To view this and other articles, log onto our website at For a online demonstration of our ABSOLV software, log onto

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Absenteeism Over the December Holidays

Does your company's absenteeism increase or decrease over the december holidays? Why not e-mail us on and let us know?


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Absenteeism due to Diabetes

To view how absenteeism due to diabetes is dropping, read our latest article:

The CAMS' Team

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Too much to do, too little time

The pressure of having too little time and too much to do can be suffocating. The torture chamber of the mind pins us down with fear based thoughts of tomorrow and our bodies pay the price. We push ourselves to hold more, do more and try harder – so here is a little experiment to understand the limitations of the mind and to learn to look somewhere new for the strength to cope.

Try this experiment:

In your mind’s eye, picture 1 tennis ball. Got it? – (even a vague fleeting image will do). Now picture 2 tennis balls… see them both together… alright now picture 3… see all 3, not one at a time. Now picture 4 tennis balls… all 4… now picture 5… if you picture the tennis balls randomly scattered in space it will begin to be difficult to see all 5 simultaneously. Notice that to see them all together your mind may want to organise them into a pattern (like the dots on dice), so that you can see all 5 together at the same time. Go as far as you can with the visualisation, but don’t cheat, you must be able to clearly see ALL the tennis balls at the same time. The average person can see 6, after 7 it gets harder. The only way to see 9 and 10 is to have the balls in an organised pattern. Try it! See 9 without any structure or pattern, them put the tenni s balls in lines and patterns and notice how much easier it is.

So what is the message behind this experiment?

The torture chamber of the mind cannot hold more than a few concepts or things to remember at a time UNLESS the concepts are tied to other patterns and organised structures. More than 6 random, unconnected concepts means that you will start dropping balls, forgetting things and being unable to focus. If you have more than 6 things to hold in your mind at one time, you will feel the stress of TOO many tennis balls.

  1. Understand how the mind works and accept its limitations.
  2. Organise your to do list, or your concepts and worries into patterns – putting similar things together.
  3. Structure the things on your mind and choose 3 to 6 (max) priorities for the day.
  4. Write it down – if you have in on paper or in your diary your mind can release from trying to hold more than 6 tennis balls in the air.
  5. Put the others mental burdens somewhere safe, where you will be reminded again tomorrow – so that your mind doesn’t have to look at EVERYTHING everyday.

Then most importantly, stop. Stop for at least 10 minutes a day and empty your mind of ALL the tennis balls – of all the worries and to do’s. Focus on the experience of the moment and open to the feelings and sensations that your body offers. Find gratitude for what you have and reconnect to your spiritual support.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Offices

Good Morning,

Just to let you know that we have moved into our offices – we are at: Unit 8, Greenways Office Park, Cnr of Melsetter and Buffelsfontein Roads, Lovemore Heights, PORT ELIZABETH. Our new office number is 041-368 6742. All our other information remains the same…

Kindly confirm receipt of this e-mail by return e-mail.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Bennett

CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: 041-368 6742
Cell: 084-236 6388
Fax: 086-524 1819

View our Absenteeism Blogs: or

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail contains confidential information and any unauthorised use or interception is illegal. If this e-mail is not intended for you, you may not copy, distribute or disclose the contents, including any attachments, to anyone, nor take any action in reliance on the content. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Self Help Motivation and Inspiration At Work

Author: Kym Robinson

Self Help Motivation and Inspiration At Work

Do you wake up each day feeling great, but once you hit the office you feel your inspiration and motivation have prematurely left the building? If so, there are some inspiring workplace ideas that you can put into action so that you feel more inspired when you work. You know, it doesn't matter how good you are at your job if you don't feel passionate about what you are doing all day!

Simple Ideas to find Inspiration at Work

One of the best ways to put yourself in a position to find the neccesary motivation is to make sure you are comfortable. You need to make sure your chair supports your back, your desk is at the right height, and you have an ergonomically correct keyboard and mouse. Repetitive strain injuries have been on the rise for some time now, so speak up and you just might find your employer willing to cooperate. I'm sure he would rather adjust the environment rather than deal with a workers compensation claim!

If that is not so - Worst case: bring in your own office supplies or equipment. There's no reason that your body has to suffer even if your boss is really stingy!

Clean Up and De-Clutter Your Workspace

I find inspiration by getting rid of the clutter on my desk and getting everything back to tidy! A cluttered workspace can zap you of your creativity because you spend more time trying to find things than actually getting your work done.

Look at your workspace objectively and ask yourself: "What absolutely NEEDS to be here?" Remove the things that make you feel claustrophobic, stop hoarding rubbish and toss the things you never use. File or bin anything else as your work items should be filed away in an organizational system that works for you.

Here's the bottom line: only keep the things that you absolutely need! Keeping anything else serves no purpose and adds nothing more than clutter and distraction. Then, all this clutter zaps your motivation and inspiration, so avoid it! Once you do, you'll think clearer and feel far more relaxed.
How Can You Create an Inspirational Computing Experience?

If you work in an office,I bet you spend most of the time on your computer? Do you ever clean up your computer? or do you have 72,000 emails sitting around and files you never use saved to your hard drive? Clean out your computer! Delete all your temporary internet files and your computer will run faster and then bring inspiration into your workspace through inspirational wallpapers.
Inspirational wallpapers are usually free downloads that inspire you during those long 8-hour workdays. After all, it can be hard to stay focused staring at your screen all day. But if you have to stare at it - make it something Inspirational!

You can check out these wallpapers when you are having a hard time getting started, getting motivated, or just finding the inspiration to push forward. Inspirational wallpapers typically contain beautiful landscapes with inspirational quotes or sayings. Sometimes all you need to get going is a gentle push in the right direction, and inspirational wallpapers just might be what the doctor ordered. It really can be that simple!

The great thing about these wallpapers is that they don't take up any physical space, so there's no need to worry about clutter. You also can use some of the images and quotes on the wallpaper to create screensavers for your computer. Your computer has the potential to inspire you in so many ways!

Inspiration can often seem impossible to find at work, but you may need to think outside of the box and find ways to get inspired. Keep things simple and don't let clutter get you down.

A really good idea is to listen to your Ipod or similar - if you can!

I listen all day long to self development cd's and find it just so good. Even when Im down and really struggling to find motivation, this workd great!

Now , if you are like me, and work from home - it can be really tough to stay on track somedays. If you have tried all of the above only to find you are still missing something, then get up and go for a walk around the block!

After all, this is the main benefit to working for yourself! You can go for a walk anytime you like! My block has water on 3 sides - its almost an island. I have the beach on one side, an inlet on the other and a lagoon on the other! I can see the inner city and beautiful pictures everywhere I look -now thats very inspirational for me, I feel very lucky!

When you feel down for whatever reason, use self help techniques to find motivation and inspiration at work and have a great day!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Sick Absenteeism Management

Sick absenteeism management is rapidly becoming an area where a number of consultants in the HR arena are offering their services to employers and creating an additional revenue stream.

Corporate Absenteeism Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd (CAMS) is a South African based company which is regarded as the local leader with regard to sick absenteeism management and providing benchmark information on absenteeism. (A web search using combinations of the key words “CAMS”, “Johnny Johnson”, ”AIC” will provide a number of results to support this assertion)

CAMS is currently in the process of identifying suitable candidates in various countries to represent its software as sole agents in those countries. Should you be interested in this opportunity kindly response to this email with a request for further information.

Below, follows further information on CAMS and its business:

The company owns specialized software, called ABSOLV™, which is utilized by various consultants and employers to perform sick absenteeism audits and to provide ongoing consulting services aimed at reducing sick absenteeism. The software is also used as a tool to measure and monitor the health status of an employer in general and its employees specifically. A sample of the main output from the system, the Absenteeism Management Report (AMR™) is attached to this mail.

Currently CAMS has more than 100 000 active employees on the ABSOLV system and a historical database of more than 170 000 employees which is used to derive meaningful benchmark information.

This software is now available to all consultants with the major advantage being that it is available on a “pay-as-you-grow” basis. This means that the consultant can match their costs with revenues and there is no need to outlay large amounts of capital or to incur upfront or monthly costs before any revenue is earned. Flexible options are available which allows the software to be accessed via the internet (aimed at smaller employers) or loaded on your network, or web server, and accessed by a number of users, aimed at the larger employer or consultant with a large number of clients.

Consultants can also register as an affiliate; refer clients to ABSOLV™, and earn a referral commission of 25% on all revenue earned from that client should they sign up as an ABSOLV™ user.

Consultants in the HR industry can increase their revenue by offering an additional sick absenteeism management service to their existing clients with little effort through the use of ABSOLV™. In addition CAMS offers a two day sick absenteeism management training programme aimed at equipping consultants with the necessary skills to offer this service.

The individual earnings of employees is recorded and utilized to calculate the overall cost of sick absenteeism and can also be used, together with the job grades, to provide useful remuneration information at a later stage.

For further information please respond to this email or visit our website via the link below.

Johnny Johnson
CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: +27 41 379 1981
Cell: +27 83 270 4630
Fax: + 27 86 694 1663

View our Absenteeism Blogs:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail contains confidential information and any unauthorised use or interception is illegal. If this e-mail is not intended for you, you may not copy, distribute or disclose the contents, including any attachments, to anyone, nor take any action in reliance on the content. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What makes people ill?

Why is it that some people never seem to get sick and other people are always sick? What is it that makes the difference? Post your comments or answers on our blog...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Helping staff with personal pressures can protect profit

HAVING employees bring their dirty laundry to work is just one way employers are starting to deal with a money-gobbling monster. "Sick absenteeism" cost SA an estimated R19.1bn last year.
In the first half of this year, 3.4% of all sick leave taken was due to stress, depression and anxiety, says Johnny Johnson, CEO of CAMS, a company that looks at corporate absenteeism.
"Companies should therefore continue to ask themselves what they could do to make their staff happy and productive."
With the economic difficulties being experienced by many people, most companies should anticipate an increase in absenteeism due to, among others, illness and stress, says Independent Counselling Services (ICAS).
ICAS provides employee assistance programmes to more than 350 corporate and public sector organisations within Southern Africa.
"Absenteeism doesn't occur in a vacuum, and in order to address it it's necessary to identify what drives it," says ICAS business intelligence and ICT manager Rochelle Mountany.

Organisations need to do an analysis of their leave patterns to identify:

  • Their absenteeism rate;
  • Who is taking unscheduled leave (according to department, salary band, gender, job grading, etc); and
  • Patterns of leave (on what day of the week it starts, for how long it continues and so on).

Once an analysis has been done, says Mountany, steps can be taken to address the issues that emerge. Mountany says another useful tool is conducting interviews with all staff on their return from unscheduled leave. This can help identify underlying reasons for absence and provide assistance.

Most difficulties experienced by employees relate to personal relationships with partners, spouses and family members. This is followed closely by legal as well as financial concerns, with a significant number of worries about issues affecting their children and trauma emerging, she says.

Most of the people using ICAS services are women.

Financial difficulties are being identified increasingly as significant contributors not only to stress but also severe depression, which is often a driving factor in marital difficulties as well, Mountany says.

When there is low morale in a company, the reasons must be established, she says.

One possibility is communication: whether employees feel their voices are heard.

Gender issues can also play a role.

To achieve a healthy, happy workforce, managers can refer affected employees to the employee assistance programme to give them the opportunity to work through those circumstances that are affecting their attendance and work performance negatively, says Mountany.

These should not be seen as punitive measures, though.

The referrals have proved highly successful in resolving such difficulties, and have been found to improve attendance in many cases, she says.

Banking group ABSA says that a behavioural risk audit conducted with a total sample of 1.6% of its workforce showed that workplace and home stress were a reality in the lives of its employees. With this in mind, ABSA introduced an absenteeism-management programme for the first time this year as part of an integrated health and wellness programme.

"It can be expected that the cumulative effect of relatively high home and workplace stress may significantly affect the resilience of our workforce," says wellness group specialist Wezi Khoza.

She says a behavioural stress assessment by ABSA indicated a relatively high level of financial stress as experienced by the population in general.

So it is expected that staff with money problems and poor financial behaviour tend to reduce productivity and increase absenteeism rates.

By contrast, financially well-off employees report high levels of commitment to their work, lower absenteeism rates and greater pay satisfaction.

"Employees did indicate that financial assistance was one of the greater expressed needs."

Although there is no scientific evidence available to prove whether or not ABSA employees experience work-related stress, the company believes that as stress increases in people's lives, absenteeism will also increase. "Stress will always be part of the corporate arena, and will increase and decrease according to the impact that societal factors have on the population in general."

The individual's reaction to these stress factors will be determined by their resilience, Khoza says.

The integrated health and wellness programme's central focus is to assist employees to improve their resilience so that the impact of the everyday stressors is mitigated.

"Our programme has a holistic focus to address the individual."

Immediate counselling and rehabilitation services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, not only for employees but also for dependants of employees. The programme includes an array of externally and internally provided services covering assistance with financial, emotional, physical, intellectual, occupational and social needs.

ABSA determines the needs with an annual opinion survey and develops targeted action plans on the basis of the results.

Khoza says the best way for an organisation to boost employee morale is to demonstrate a caring attitude towards workers.

Vodacom chief human resources officer Lungi Ndlovu ascribes his company's low absenteeism rate to "a relatively informal working environment, where emphasis is placed on allowing employees to strike an optimal work-life balance".

As a competitive and results-driven company, Vodacom attracts "ambitious individuals who thrive under pressure."

The company also recognises that total remuneration has a direct effect on the morale and behaviour of individual employees and ultimately on its culture and performance.

Apart from laundry and dry-cleaning service available at its head office, an onsite "wellbeing centre" provides employees with services such as preventive primary healthcare. It has a nurse, doctor, dentist, dietician, hair salon and beauticians, medical services lifestyle programmes, gym facilities and a choice of personal trainers.
Employees can choose to sue the services of the onsite physiotherapist or wide variety of stress-relieving massage therapies available at the centre.

"The health and wellbeing of our employees are always at the forefront of Vodacom's human resources policies," says Ndlovu.

Business Day

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing perfect way to gain online clients

Affiliate marketing might just be the answer for companies who want to advertise their online services and don’t have large marketing budgets . Affiliate marketing works by offering website owners the opportunity to place a banner on their website, for which they are not paid, but if anyone uses this banner to click through to the advertised website, this information is registered by means of highly secure and confidential IP tracking and commission is paid if a sale is concluded.

Online statistic company CAMS uses this system to market their absenteeism software called Absolv, which is effective in monitoring, benchmarking and then managing absenteeism in companies of all sizes.

“Our software is the only one of its kind the country, and companies who want to clamp down on rogue absenteeism and manage the health and wellness of their employees, will find this is the simplest way to do so,” says CEO of CAMS, Johnny Johnson.

“Absenteeism costs this country R 19 billion per year in direct costs and possibly three times that amount in indirect costs. It is imperative for every company’s bottom line for management to be able to keep track of where money is being wasted on absenteeism abuse, which employees need attention due to illness issues and which managers need training in motivating their employees to greater productivity. This information is available via our software of through our online portal.

Johnson explains how affiliate marketing works, “The CAM Solutions’ Affiliates Database contains all the tools necessary to help those who wish to be affiliates for CAM Solutions to be able to market themselves as such.

"Affiliates register at and select from a number of marketing banners and tools. These banners and marketing tools are then included in their websites or any in online communication they may have with their clients (e.g. newsletters, etc).

“When a web surfer clicks, through an affiliate link, to our Absolv website, the affiliate username and code that is set in their browser is noted. Their IP address is tracked and stored, in a secure format, in our database along with the affiliate name. When this person decides to sign up and use the Absolv online web-portal, the script will look for this affiliate user name and code and will identify the affiliate, who will then be awarded the commission. Visitors sent through this affiliate link (the web banner referred to earlier) may also decide to sign up at a later stage, and the commission will still be awarded as this information is stored in their browser, as long as they are using the same IP address as the one logged in the database.

"We feel it is imperative to point out that the process is safe and secure and as well as being 100% confidential," he notes.

Johnson says, “Affiliates earn 25% commission of the client’s initial sign-on fee (R1 250) and their monthly fee (R5.00 per employee per month)."

Michelle Bennett from website Eastern Gifts and Things says she has been running her affiliate marketing programme for over a year. Michelle is currently publishing a book on effectively running an e-commerce website, in which she details the benefits of affiliate marketing. She has nine affiliates registered on her Eastern Gifts and Things website, and they receive commission when their websites direct buyers to her site.

"It's a great way to market our product and our affiliates earn money by doing nothing except hosting our banner on their websites, it works for everyone," she adds.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Affiliate marketing perfect way to gain online clients

Affiliate marketing perfect way to gain online clients

Affiliate marketing might just be the answer for companies who want to advertise their online services and don’t have large marketing budgets . Affiliate marketing works by offering website owners the opportunity to place a banner on their website, for which they are not paid, but if anyone uses this banner to click through to the advertised website, this information is registered by means of highly secure and confidential IP tracking and commission is paid if a sale is concluded.

Online statistic company CAMS uses this system to market their absenteeism software called Absolv, which is effective in monitoring, benchmarking and then managing absenteeism in companies of all sizes.

“Our software is the only one of its kind the country, and companies who want to clamp down on rogue absenteeism and manage the health and wellness of their employees, will find this is the simplest way to do so,” says CEO of CAMS, Johnny Johnson.

“Absenteeism costs this country R 19 billion per year in direct costs and possibly three times that amount in indirect costs. It is imperative for every company’s bottom line for management to be able to keep track of where money is being wasted on absenteeism abuse, which employees need attention due to illness issues and which managers need training in motivating their employees to greater productivity. This information is available via our software of through our online portal.

Johnson explains how affiliate marketing works, “The CAM Solutions’ Affiliates Database contains all the tools necessary to help those who wish to be affiliates for CAM Solutions to be able to market themselves as such.

"Affiliates register at and select from a number of marketing banners and tools. These banners and marketing tools are then included in their websites or any in online communication they may have with their clients (e.g. newsletters, etc).

“When a web surfer clicks, through an affiliate link, to our Absolv website, the affiliate username and code that is set in their browser is noted. Their IP address is tracked and stored, in a secure format, in our database along with the affiliate name. When this person decides to sign up and use the Absolv online web-portal, the script will look for this affiliate user name and code and will identify the affiliate, who will then be awarded the commission. Visitors sent through this affiliate link (the web banner referred to earlier) may also decide to sign up at a later stage, and the commission will still be awarded as this information is stored in their browser, as long as they are using the same IP address as the one logged in the database.

"We feel it is imperative to point out that the process is safe and secure and as well as being 100% confidential," he notes.

Johnson says, “Affiliates earn 25% commission of the client’s initial sign-on fee (R1 250) and their monthly fee (R5.00 per employee per month)."

Michelle Bennett from website Eastern Gifts and Things says she has been running her affiliate marketing programme for over a year. Michelle is currently publishing a book on effectively running an e-commerce website, in which she details the benefits of affiliate marketing. She has nine affiliates registered on her Eastern Gifts and Things website, and they receive commission when their websites direct buyers to her site.

"It's a great way to market our product and our affiliates earn money by doing nothing except hosting our banner on their websites, it works for everyone," she adds.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Absenteeism due to stress increasing in South Africa

Absenteeism due to stress increased slightly in companies around South Africa in 2008 compared with the previous year - in line with indications that the country is experiencing an economic downturn. So far in 2008, 3.4% of all sick leave incidents were due to psychological illness such as stress, depression and anxiety up until the end of June this year. In 2006, 3.9 % of all sick absenteeism incidents were related stress, and in 2007 this figure was 3.1%. This was discovered on analysis of research carried out by Cam Solutions using Absolv absenteeism software, which generated statistics from 100 000 employees in 60 South African companies, using data from doctor-issued sick certificates for employees in these firms.

CEO of CAM Solutions, Johnny Johnson says, “Noting these statistics, it seems obvious that the with economic situation worsening in the country and firms - especially in the industrial sector - cutting back on staff, that employees might be feeling more strain, whether it be financial or emotional due to the risk of losing their jobs.

“Companies should therefore continue to ask themselves what they could do to make their staff happy and productive. If not, employees might eventually become so stressed as to be debilitated in the working environment.”

Some companies have already found innovative ways to deal with employee stress. Continental Tyre South Africa (CTSA) recently announced they would be offering debt counselling services to staff. The Eastern Cape’s first registered debt counsellor and former CTSA employee, Zuki Bhaku, visits the firm’s head office in Port Elizabeth every week to assist employees in managing and paying off their debts.

Bhaku, of Khomani Mavoko Debt Counsellors, says, “CTSA realised that many employees were in severe financial difficulty. This was causing people to be absent from work because they didn't even have taxi fare to come to work. Some employees would even go AWOL so that they can be dismissed and gain access to their provident fund to help them pay off mounting debts. After a few months they call asking to have for their old jobs back. Many people trying to survive in today’s economic climate have numerous loans, court orders and garnishees etc which all accumulate interest and so they become trapped in a vicious cycle of debt. Previously there was nothing one could do as the debt collectors had no mercy and people had to take out additional loans to survive from one week to the next.

"Debt counsellor consultation fees are paid by CTSA on behalf of their employees so they can access this service for free. The tyre firm does not know the names of the employees who come to me for a consultation, only the number of employees who are using the service,"Bhaku says.

CTSA PR and communications manager, Rene Oliver adds that this debt counselling service could be seen as part of CTSA’s employee wellness programme, “One could say it sees to the 'financial wellness' of employees. If one is financially fit, stress levels reduce and this translates into a better overall feeling of wellness and productivity.

According to the latest research undertaken by CAMS, about R 19.144 billion is lost due to sick absenteeism in South Africa, of that would mean that about R 325 million has been lost due to stress related absenteeism so far in 2008, by companies who had to pay the direct costs of sick leave. The indirect costs of staff replacement and lost productivity time, due to stress in 2008 trebles this amount to close on R 1 billion for the first half of the year.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Help Desk!

CAM Solutions offers all its clients and affiliates a help desk question, where you can e-mail any query pertaining to absenteeism management and we will do our best to answer your query as effectively and efficiently as possible.
We recently had a query where one of our readers asked: I wanted to ask you about an organisation that have employees that travel everywhere and are not really based in the office - how would you implement the absenteeism management system?
Our answer:
Absenteeism management only works well if the time and attendance system is working properly. We often find that employers do not have good systems in place to ensure that the absenteeism records are accurate. The system may not be adequate to ensure that if a person is absent that it is always recorded. A good system should have a record of which employees should attend work (NB if shift work) and then identify those employees who were not at work. That list should then be modified as and when information on the reason for the absence is obtained. These could be due to, being late, family responsibility, sick leave, etc. Initially all absent employees should be recorded as AWOL until the reasons are received. If an employee is still recorded as AWOL after a period of time and no reasons are forthcoming for the absence, then obviously this may lead to disciplinary steps.
A time and attendance system is easy to implement if there is secure access to the work premises but may be more difficult where secure access is not present e.g. in an office environment. The client may want to utilise network log on times to assist with attendance management.
The absence management for the employees who travel a lot will be difficult and in most cases the employer will have to make use of innovative ways to control absenteeism. We know of a company that has a tracking system installed in the sales representatives cars. This is expensive and a little extreme when the best measure for a sales representative is sales performance. In other words, if the rep is stealing a day or two, but is exceeding sales targets, why worry too much!
For more information on other help desk queries, log onto:
To submit your own query pertaining to absenteeism management, simply e-mail us on
There are three ways to access the ABSOLV software: 1. Through our on-line portal, 2. through a rental option or 3. an outright purchase. For more information, log onto:
To use our software on line, log onto:
To register as an affiliate partner, log onto:
For more information on CAM Solutions, log onto:

Kindly confirm receipt of this e-mail by return e-mail.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Bennett

CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: 041-368 1068
Cell: 084-236 6388
Fax: 086-524 1819

View our Absenteeism Blogs: or

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

A question from our Help Desk

We had the following question on our help desk: Please provide your charges per employee's. Thanks,

Our response:

Thank you for your e-mail below.

CAMS’ provides ABSOLV to various users being:
  • HR Consultants
  • Medical Aid Consultants
  • Disability Case Managers
  • Insurance Companies
  • Providers of Employee Assistance Programmes, as well as
  • Direct to employers

The software is provided under various options:

  • On a rental based on a sliding scale starting at R3.50 per employee per month and reducing to R0.42 per employee per month at more than 105 000 employees. The average cost per employee at 105 000 employees is around R1.25 per employee per month. This is the most popular option as the major benefit is the “pay as you grow” basis with no large capital outlay required. A minimum fee of R1 250 per month applies. The software is loaded onto the client’s network and made available to any number of users with access to the network.
  • On an outright purchase starting at R750 000, depending on the number of users. This option is aimed at larger employers or consultants with a large client base.
  • Through the internet on a dedicated web site at at a cost of R5 per employee per month. This is aimed at the smaller employer of less than 250 employees. This option can be offered by a consultant to their clients with a 25% referral fee paid by CAMS based on the total fee for all referred business.

In certain circumstances, usually during the initial take-on period of a new client, CAMS will act as a bureau and obtain data from the client, process this data and provide the necessary reports to the client.

The software has been developed to allow a consultant to install the system on their web server and thereby give their clients access to the system via the internet.

Currently ABSOLV has data from more than 170 000 employees which is used to develop benchmark information such as:

  • Overall absenteeism rates
  • Absenteeism rates applicable for various income levels
  • Absenteeism rates for various age groups
  • Expected duration and incident rates for various income levels and age groups
  • Most common diagnosis for short term incidents and long term incidents
  • The relationship between short term incidents and overall sick absenteeism rates

The main output from ABSOLV is an Absenteeism Management Report (AMR™). The report consists of two sections being the corporate information and the individual employee profiles. These reports are used extensively in the consulting process as well as integrated into the systems and procedures at employers.

ABSOLV is designed to identify employees who are outside of certain expected norms and to highlight these employees for further assistance either through employee wellness programmes, disability management programmes or in extreme cases for disciplinary action to be taken.

It is common for employers to manage sick absenteeism on a reactive basis rather than on a proactive basis. The ABSOLV system provides information and indications of problems before these are evident and the system can be integrated into the payroll and HR systems and used as an effective tool to management sick absenteeism.

The system has been designed to cater for up to 7 different classifications which means that an employer can report, as an example, by region, branch, department or even job classification. An employer can then set benchmarks and measure departments against similar departments or even set performance criteria for department managers to achieve.

Individual absenteeism profiles are generated which measures individual employees against a set of criteria such as the expected number of visits to a medical practitioner, number of different diagnosis codes and short and long term incidents. These profiles are further enhanced through the calculation of two unique indices called and Absenteeism Index (AI™) and a Health Index (HI™) which provides an indication of sick leave abuse and serious health conditions respectively. In addition to the above CAMS also provides training to consultants who wish to offer sick absenteeism management but do not have the necessary skills.

ABSOLV can also be used as a tool to perform one-off absenteeism and health audits and also later integrated within the employees systems and procedures to continually monitor and control sick absenteeism.

Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Johnny Johnson (CEO for CAM Solutions) should you be interested in acquiring access to this software. Johnny can be contacted on 083 270 4630.

Kindly confirm receipt of this e-mail by return e-mail.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Bennett


CAM Solutions

Thursday, July 3, 2008

CAM Solutions - Absolv!

Good Day,

As you may well know, absenteeism costs the economy in excess of R19 billion a year. And that just covers the direct costs; indirect costs could count for two to three times that figure. There are many reasons for absenteeism - people who are genuinely ill and those people who abuse the system. Sick leave is a conditional privilege, not a right to be taken at will.

Do you know how your company contributes to this figure of R19 billion a year? Do you know what your current absenteeism rate is? Do you know how to filter through the abusers of sick leave from those who are genuinely ill? Are you targeting specific people within your organisation - or are you dealing with the problem at hand? Absenteeism could be costing your company huge amounts of money each month and you can't fully handle the problem, or resolve your absenteeism crisis, until you start to measure and benchmark where you currently are.

And this is where
Absolv comes into play. Absolv is a software program, run over the Internet that aids you in monitoring your absenteeism as a company and per individual in your company. Not only can we aid you in reducing your absenteeism cost, we can highlight all areas that require your attention in creating a work force working to combating absenteeism. It is vital to know what your absenteeism rate is and then look at ways of bringing down this absenteeism rate through various interventions.

CAM Solutions deals mostly with sick absenteeism and other forms of unplanned absenteeism (AWOL, Family Responsibility Leave etc) that is measured and reported on through our
ABSOLVTM software. This software produces a report called the Absenteeism Management Report (or AMRTM for short) – I have attached a sample AMR for you to view. This sample report will give you a good idea on what type of information you will be able to receive for your company.

Please note that it is extremely difficult to determine the “normal” absenteeism rate in any sector of the economy as sick absenteeism is dependant on a number of factors, including:
  • The demographics of the employees
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Responsibility levels
  • The nature of the industry

Due to the above factors it’s not possible to determine an appropriate norm for each sector but rather to determine the absenteeism profile of each employer and to consider each of the factors separately. The factors to consider are:

  • Average absenteeism rate
  • Average length of each sick leave absence
  • Average number of sick leave incidents per annum
  • Short term ratio versus long term ratio
  • Absenteeism rate per age category
  • Absenteeism per department/region etc
  • Absenteeism per earnings level (or better still per grade)

The above can be achieved by producing an absenteeism management report (AMR™) and analysing this in detail.

At a micro level each employee can then be measured against their peers using benchmarks such as:

  • Average absenteeism rate
  • Average length of each sick leave absence
  • Average number of sick leave incidents per annum
  • The CAMS Absenteeism Index (AI™)
  • The CAMS Health Index (HI™)

In general we find that sick absenteeism levels should not be more than 2% per annum, i.e. if an employee is expected to work 250 days during a year then they should not be off sick more than 5 days per annum, on average.

We have found the absenteeism rate is higher for lower paid employees versus the high income earners. This is however more related to responsibility levels rather than income levels. Low paid employees, generally, have less responsibility, which then affects job satisfaction and morale which has an impact on absenteeism.

This report also aids employers in assisting those employees who are genuinely ill by highlighting those diagnoses that require attending to.

Should you be interested in using this software, kindly log onto for more information.

Kindly confirm receipt of this e-mail by return e-mail.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Bennett

CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: 041-368 1068
Cell: 084-236 6388
Fax: 086-524 1819

View our Absenteeism Blogs: or

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail contains confidential information and any unauthorised use or interception is illegal. If this e-mail is not intended for you, you may not copy, distribute or disclose the contents, including any attachments, to anyone, nor take any action in reliance on the content. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Help Desk Queries

CAM Solutions boasts a help desk where you can e-mail queries to and we will endeavour to assist you with your absenteeism related queries. We recently received this query:

What is a normal absenteeism in the automotive manufacturing industry? How does it differ between those who earn $15.00 and those who earn $28.00 per hour?
The answer:
CAM Solutions deals mostly with sick absenteeism and other forms of unplanned absenteeism (AWOL, Family Responsibility Leave, etc). It is extremely difficult to determine the "normal" absenteeism rate in any sector of the economy as sick absenteeism is dependant on a number of factors, including:
  • The demographics of the employees
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Responsibility levels
  • The nature of the industry

Due to the above factors it's not possible to determine an appropriate norm for each sector but rather to determine the absenteeism profile of each employer and to consider each of the factors separately. The factors to consider are:

  • Average absenteeism rate
  • Average length of each sick leave absence
  • Average number of sick leave incidents per annum
  • Short term ratio versus long term ratio
  • Absenteeism rate per age category
  • Absenteeism per department/region etc
  • Absenteeism per earnings level (or better still per grade)

The above can be achieved by producing an absenteeism management report (AMR) and analysing this in detail. At a micro level each employee can then be measured against their peers using benchmarks such as:

  • Average absenteeism rate
  • Average length of each sick leave absence
  • Average number of sick leave incidents per annum
  • The CAMS Absenteeism Index (AI)
  • The CAMS Health Index (HI)

In general we find that sick absenteeism levels should not be more than 2% per annum. i.e. if an employee is expected to work 250 days during a year then they should not be off sick more than 5 days per annum, on average.
We have found the absenteeism rate is higher for lower paid employees versus the high income earners. This is however more related to responsibility levels rather than income levels. Low paid employees, generally, have less responsibility, which then affects job satisfaction and morale which has an impact on absenteeism.

The benchmark absenteeism rate for the Automotive Industry (based on South African statistics), which according to our records is 1.77%. This is calculated (incident days / exposed days as a %). According to our research the lower income earners take more sick leave, but one also needs to consider the impact of the indirect costs.

Should you have any query you'd like us to assist you with, kindly e-mail us on

Kind regards,


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Affiliate Newsletter


Sick absenteeism management is rapidly becoming an area where a number of consultants in the HR arena are offering their services to employers and creating an additional revenue stream.

Corporate Absenteeism Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd (CAMS) is a South African based company which is regarded as the leader with regard to sick absenteeism management and providing benchmark information on absenteeism. (A Google search using combinations of the key words “CAMS”, “Johnny Johnson”, ”AIC” will provide a number of results to support this assertion).

The company owns specialised software, called ABSOLV™, which is utilised by various consultants and employers to perform sick absenteeism audits and to provide ongoing consulting services aimed at reducing sick absenteeism. The software is also used as a tool to measure and monitor the health status of an employer in general and its employees specifically. A sample of the main output from the system, the Absenteeism Management Report (AMR™) can be viewed on our website - click here.

Currently CAMS has more than 100 000 active employees on the ABSOLV system and a historical database of more than 170 000 employees which is used to derive meaningful benchmark information.

This software is now available to all consultants with the major advantage being that it is available on a “pay-as-you-grow” basis. This means that the consultant can match their costs with revenues and there is no need to outlay large amounts of capital or to incur upfront or monthly costs before any revenue is earned. Flexible options are available which allows the software to be accessed via the internet (aimed at smaller employers) or loaded on your network, or web server, and accessed by a number of users, aimed at the larger employer or consultant with a large number of clients.

Consultants can also register as an affiliate; refer clients to the ABSOLV™, and earn a referral commission of 25% on all revenue earned from that client should they sign up as an ABSOLV™ user. Clients using ABSOLV™ through our web-portal will pay an initial sign-on fee of R1 250 and then R5 per employee per month thereafter. The affiliate will earn 25% commission on all incoming monies. The ideal clients for the ABSOLV™ web-portal are employers with 250 employees or less.

Ideally, affiliates should be involved in one or more of the following industries:
  • Health Management
  • Employee Benefits
  • Human Resources
  • Risk Management
  • Productivity Improvement
  • Absenteeism Management
  • Corporate Wellness
  • Disability Management
  • HIV/AIDS Management

Consultants in the HR industry can increase their revenue by offering an additional sick absenteeism management service to their existing clients with little effort through the use of ABSOLV™. In addition CAMS offers a two day sick absenteeism management training programme aimed at equipping consultants with the necessary skills to offer this service.

The individual earnings of employees is recorded and utilised to calculate the overall cost of sick absenteeism and can also be used, together with the job grades, to provide useful remuneration information at a later stage. Should you be interested in becoming an affiliate, kindly log onto to create an account. Kindly bear in mind that your application will need to be approved by CAM Solutions first.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries in this regard.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Bennett

CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: 041-368 1068
Cell: 084-236 6388
Fax: 086-524 1819

View our Absenteeism Blogs: or

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail contains confidential information and any unauthorised use or interception is illegal. If this e-mail is not intended for you, you may not copy, distribute or disclose the contents, including any attachments, to anyone, nor take any action in reliance on the content. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sample Absenteeism Management Report


View a copy of a sample Absenteeism Management Report on our website. Click this link to view:


Thursday, May 15, 2008

CAMS Absenteeism Newsletter - May 2008


It seems as if absenteeism related to influenza may actually be coming down - or at least stabilising - according to our stats and our latest PR article to hit the media. For more information, view the article here. Why not partake in our poll and let us know how influenza - especially with the start of winter - affects your workforce? Click here for more information.

We will soon be updating our website with a comparison of statistics comparing absenteeism rates of 2006 with 2007. Please contact us should you require any information in particular regarding our statistical information.
CAM Solutions provides software solutions for health and absenteeism management. CAM Solutions owns the sick and health management software called
Absolv, which is used by various affiliates to optimise their consulting services for their clients. In addition, CAM Solutions collates sick absenteeism information and provides benchmarks and overall sick absenteeism statistics. The actual sick absenteeism management consulting services can be provided by affiliates contracted with CAMS.

According to recent studies by CAM Solutions, absenteeism rates seem to be declining due to the software, Absolv, and new benchmarking information put into place to manage absenteeism. To read this article, click here. To read all our other articles, click here.

Should you wish to have any more information on our products and services, kindly e-mail us on Queries, comments and suggestions on coping with absenteeism and health related queries, you can also partake in or post comments on our blog:

Kindly pass this newsletter on to all concerned parties within your organisation - anyone wanting to receive our absenteeism newsletter, can sign up here. Click here to unsubscribe.

Yours faithfully,
Corporate Absenteeism Management Solutions

Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management

Tel: 041-368 1068 / Fax: 086-524 1819

View our Absenteeism Blogs: or

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail contains confidential information and any unauthorised use or interception is illegal. If this e-mail is not intended for you, you may not copy, distribute or disclose the contents, including any attachments, to anyone, nor take any action in reliance on the content. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Absenteeism Management

For our latest newsletter, focusing on absenteeism management, click here:


Thursday, February 21, 2008

How do you handle absenteeism?

How does your company handle absenteeism? Do you have problems with absenteeism? Why not e-mail us on and tell us what you think?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Website

Our new website is up and running and includes interesting interviews and articles on the new Absolv software, aimed at helping you manage absenteeism.

Log onto for more information.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In the Media: I Can't Come IN

I Can't Come In
Thomas McLachlan

Absenteeism is the largest cause of lost time and poor productivity facing this country

Bunking work costs the country about R19billion a year, and Mondays and Fridays are the worst days for absenteeism, a survey by Corporate Absenteeism Management Solutions (Cams) showed on Thursday.
"Absenteeism is the largest cause of lost time and poor productivity facing this country," said labour specialist Andrew Levy, who studied the poll, "The Vanishing Workforce".

The major causes of bunking work and abusing sick leave were low pay, less responsibilities and repetitive work, said Cams chief executive Johnny Johnson. He said manual employees had consistently higher levels of absence than their white collar counterparts.

The research showed that more than half of all absenteeism measured in the sample was less than two days and 35 percent of cases involved an absence of one day or less.

Less than 20 percent of absenteeism periods occurred for longer than four days.
Most companies said there was a pattern to absence. The survey showed that most absences were recorded over a Monday or a Friday, or before and after long weekends or public holidays.

Levy added that companies could monitor their absenteeism effectively because of this.

"This becomes a relatively easy manifestation of abuse to identify and deal with. It is highly unlikely that there are medical conditions that arrive at the weekend with such reliability and regularity," said Levy.

The study found that the most challenging period for employers was December. The month was generally considered a period of lesser overall economic activity as the nation takes summer break.

Levy said employers' options during this period varied from compulsory leave for employees, to accepting that staff who were there physically might not be there in spirit.

The study follows a similar one by Cams, which found that 52 percent of South African employees who were booked off sick in winter had respiratory illnesses such as flu.

"Unfortunately, flu and respiratory illnesses are one of those things we will never be able to control completely," said Johnson.