Thursday, October 30, 2008

Self Help Motivation and Inspiration At Work

Author: Kym Robinson

Self Help Motivation and Inspiration At Work

Do you wake up each day feeling great, but once you hit the office you feel your inspiration and motivation have prematurely left the building? If so, there are some inspiring workplace ideas that you can put into action so that you feel more inspired when you work. You know, it doesn't matter how good you are at your job if you don't feel passionate about what you are doing all day!

Simple Ideas to find Inspiration at Work

One of the best ways to put yourself in a position to find the neccesary motivation is to make sure you are comfortable. You need to make sure your chair supports your back, your desk is at the right height, and you have an ergonomically correct keyboard and mouse. Repetitive strain injuries have been on the rise for some time now, so speak up and you just might find your employer willing to cooperate. I'm sure he would rather adjust the environment rather than deal with a workers compensation claim!

If that is not so - Worst case: bring in your own office supplies or equipment. There's no reason that your body has to suffer even if your boss is really stingy!

Clean Up and De-Clutter Your Workspace

I find inspiration by getting rid of the clutter on my desk and getting everything back to tidy! A cluttered workspace can zap you of your creativity because you spend more time trying to find things than actually getting your work done.

Look at your workspace objectively and ask yourself: "What absolutely NEEDS to be here?" Remove the things that make you feel claustrophobic, stop hoarding rubbish and toss the things you never use. File or bin anything else as your work items should be filed away in an organizational system that works for you.

Here's the bottom line: only keep the things that you absolutely need! Keeping anything else serves no purpose and adds nothing more than clutter and distraction. Then, all this clutter zaps your motivation and inspiration, so avoid it! Once you do, you'll think clearer and feel far more relaxed.
How Can You Create an Inspirational Computing Experience?

If you work in an office,I bet you spend most of the time on your computer? Do you ever clean up your computer? or do you have 72,000 emails sitting around and files you never use saved to your hard drive? Clean out your computer! Delete all your temporary internet files and your computer will run faster and then bring inspiration into your workspace through inspirational wallpapers.
Inspirational wallpapers are usually free downloads that inspire you during those long 8-hour workdays. After all, it can be hard to stay focused staring at your screen all day. But if you have to stare at it - make it something Inspirational!

You can check out these wallpapers when you are having a hard time getting started, getting motivated, or just finding the inspiration to push forward. Inspirational wallpapers typically contain beautiful landscapes with inspirational quotes or sayings. Sometimes all you need to get going is a gentle push in the right direction, and inspirational wallpapers just might be what the doctor ordered. It really can be that simple!

The great thing about these wallpapers is that they don't take up any physical space, so there's no need to worry about clutter. You also can use some of the images and quotes on the wallpaper to create screensavers for your computer. Your computer has the potential to inspire you in so many ways!

Inspiration can often seem impossible to find at work, but you may need to think outside of the box and find ways to get inspired. Keep things simple and don't let clutter get you down.

A really good idea is to listen to your Ipod or similar - if you can!

I listen all day long to self development cd's and find it just so good. Even when Im down and really struggling to find motivation, this workd great!

Now , if you are like me, and work from home - it can be really tough to stay on track somedays. If you have tried all of the above only to find you are still missing something, then get up and go for a walk around the block!

After all, this is the main benefit to working for yourself! You can go for a walk anytime you like! My block has water on 3 sides - its almost an island. I have the beach on one side, an inlet on the other and a lagoon on the other! I can see the inner city and beautiful pictures everywhere I look -now thats very inspirational for me, I feel very lucky!

When you feel down for whatever reason, use self help techniques to find motivation and inspiration at work and have a great day!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Sick Absenteeism Management

Sick absenteeism management is rapidly becoming an area where a number of consultants in the HR arena are offering their services to employers and creating an additional revenue stream.

Corporate Absenteeism Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd (CAMS) is a South African based company which is regarded as the local leader with regard to sick absenteeism management and providing benchmark information on absenteeism. (A web search using combinations of the key words “CAMS”, “Johnny Johnson”, ”AIC” will provide a number of results to support this assertion)

CAMS is currently in the process of identifying suitable candidates in various countries to represent its software as sole agents in those countries. Should you be interested in this opportunity kindly response to this email with a request for further information.

Below, follows further information on CAMS and its business:

The company owns specialized software, called ABSOLV™, which is utilized by various consultants and employers to perform sick absenteeism audits and to provide ongoing consulting services aimed at reducing sick absenteeism. The software is also used as a tool to measure and monitor the health status of an employer in general and its employees specifically. A sample of the main output from the system, the Absenteeism Management Report (AMR™) is attached to this mail.

Currently CAMS has more than 100 000 active employees on the ABSOLV system and a historical database of more than 170 000 employees which is used to derive meaningful benchmark information.

This software is now available to all consultants with the major advantage being that it is available on a “pay-as-you-grow” basis. This means that the consultant can match their costs with revenues and there is no need to outlay large amounts of capital or to incur upfront or monthly costs before any revenue is earned. Flexible options are available which allows the software to be accessed via the internet (aimed at smaller employers) or loaded on your network, or web server, and accessed by a number of users, aimed at the larger employer or consultant with a large number of clients.

Consultants can also register as an affiliate; refer clients to ABSOLV™, and earn a referral commission of 25% on all revenue earned from that client should they sign up as an ABSOLV™ user.

Consultants in the HR industry can increase their revenue by offering an additional sick absenteeism management service to their existing clients with little effort through the use of ABSOLV™. In addition CAMS offers a two day sick absenteeism management training programme aimed at equipping consultants with the necessary skills to offer this service.

The individual earnings of employees is recorded and utilized to calculate the overall cost of sick absenteeism and can also be used, together with the job grades, to provide useful remuneration information at a later stage.

For further information please respond to this email or visit our website via the link below.

Johnny Johnson
CAM Solutions
Providing Software Solutions in Health and Absenteeism Management
Tel: +27 41 379 1981
Cell: +27 83 270 4630
Fax: + 27 86 694 1663

View our Absenteeism Blogs:

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

What makes people ill?

Why is it that some people never seem to get sick and other people are always sick? What is it that makes the difference? Post your comments or answers on our blog...